The following is a list of queries (based on number of users and the time taken for a page to load) that WebHarvy generates to fetch data.
Some queries are meant to test WebHarvy's capabilities, while others are meant to test the site's load time and server response time.
Some queries are meant to test the volume of data WebHarvy fetches from a site while others are meant to test the number of results WebHarvy fetches from a site.
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# [CrowdSourced]{} [Project]{} [Cost]{} [Slug]{} [Login]{} [N. End]{} [N. Start]{} [Rt. End]{} [Rt. Start]{} [Login. End]{} [Login. Start]{} [N. User]{} [Rt. User]{} [N. Pages]{} [Rt. Pages]{} [Pages/s]{} [Pages/s]{} [Pages/s]{} [Pages/s]{} [Rt. Pages]{} [Rt. Pages]{} [Pages/s]{} [Pages/s]{} [Pages/s]{}
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